Student Solution


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1 University

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2 Subjects

Chapter 25 Discussion

Chapter 25 Discussion

Q Describe the purpose ( what disease or condition) following common ER medications: Albuterol Ativan Atropine Cardizem Dopamine GI cocktail: Maalox, Donnatal & Lidocaine (PO Mixture) Heparin Nitroglycerine (Pills, Paste & IV Infusion) Silver Nitrate sticks Solumedrol

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1. Albuterol: It is a combination drug which contains a bronchodilator drug (albuterol, dyphyl-line, formoterol, ipratropium, salmeterol, vilanterol) and/or a corticosteroid drug (budesonide, fluticasone, mometesone), or an expectorant drug (guaifenesin), or an anticholinergic drug (umeclidinium). 2. Ativan: this is an antianxiety drug which is given preoperatively to relieve anxiety and produce sedation and amnesia. They are used prior to endoscopy, cardiac catheterization, and minor surgical/dental procedures. The patient is able to respond to commands to facilitate the procedure but has little memory of events afterwards. These are Schedule IV drugs.